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6. Databases


This assignment is still under construction. Please check back later for updates.

Tech Stack

  • Drizzle ORM + Drizzle Kit
  • SQLite
  • Zod



  • Learn to set up a database schema using an ORM like Drizzle
  • Learn to write functions to interact with a database
  • Learn to validate data with Zod to ensure data integrity
  • Learn to perform database migrations to keep our database schema updated


This is a 3-part assignment and will be completed one section at a time after each lecture (out of 3 lectures total).

  • You will start by setting up a database schema given our context with specific requirements.
  • You will then learn to perform CRUD operations on the database by writing functions, validating the data, and doing migrations.
  • You will also get to try writing more complicated/advanced functions that mimic real-life operations.

We will walk through some example questions in class together as a demo and we will leave the rest as homework. We will go over solutions in the next class to make sure everyone is on the same page so you can move on to the next section with the correct setup.


Imagine you are developing a simpler version of an online ordering system like Snackpass for a restaurant. The system needs to handle different entities such as customers, orders, menu items, and some order details. This system will allow customers to browse the menu, modify customer information, place orders, and track each day's total sales.


To get started, clone the repository using the following command:

git clone
cd Assignment-Starter-Databases

To install dependencies:

bun install

Feel free to test your code by adding functions in the src/index.ts file. To run:

bun run src/index.ts

When you are ready, run tests:

bun vitest

There are 3 folders you need to focus on:

  1. Schemas:

    • File: schemas/schema.ts
    • Task: Define the schema in this file.
  2. Functions:

    • Files: functions/crud.ts and functions/advanced.ts
    • Tasks:
      • Create your CRUD operations in functions/crud.ts.
      • Implement advanced operations in functions/advanced.ts.
  3. Tests:

    • Folder: tests/
    • Task: We have defined some tests to ensure your code works properly.

Part 1: Schema Definitions

After you write your schemas or whenever you make an update to the schema, you should run a database migration:

bun drizzle-kit push

You will then see a new migration file appear in the migrations folder that documents any changes to the schema that you just pushed.


  • Schema: customerSchema
    • id: (number) The primary key of the table that automatically increments.
    • name: (string) The name of the customer. Must be a non-empty string.
    • email: (string) The email address of the customer. Must be a valid email address.
    • phone: (string) The phone number of the customer. Must be a non-empty string.
  • Schema: menuItemSchema
    • id: (number) The primary key of the table that automatically increments.
    • name: (string) The name of the menu item. Must be a non-empty string.
    • price: (number) The price of the menu item. Must be a positive number.


  • Schema: orderSchema
    • id: (number) The primary key of the table that automatically increments.
    • totalAmount: (number) The total amount of the order. Must be a positive number.
    • orderDate: (string) The date of the order. Must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Order Items

  • Schema: orderItemSchema
    • id: (number) The primary key of the table that automatically increments.
    • orderId: (number) The ID of the order. Must be a positive number.
    • menuItemId: (number) The ID of the menu item. Must be a positive number.
    • quantity: (number) The quantity of the menu item ordered. Must be a positive number.

Customers to Orders

  • Schema: customersToOrdersSchema
    • customerId: (number) The ID of the customer. Must be a positive number.
    • orderId: (number) The ID of the order. Must be a positive number.


  • Each Order can have multiple OrderItems, but each OrderItem is linked to one Order.
  • Each MenuItem can correspond to multiple OrderItems, but each OrderItem can only be matched to one MenuItem.
  • Each Customer can have multiple Orders, and each Order can include multiple Customers. Hint: This relationship can be represented by a third junction table customersToOrders.

Part 2: CRUD Functions

Using the schema defined in Part 1, write functions to perform the following CRUD operations and use Zod to validate the inputs for these functions to ensure data integrity.


Normally, we wouldn't need to pass in a separate db parameter into our functions since we will be interacting with a single database instance. However, we have to test your code with a separate clean database so we are passing in this parameter to distinguish between your own database to experiment with and the testing database. You should see that in your db folder you have database.sqlite and testdb.sqlite. You will be writing code to interact with the former.


  1. Create a Customer

    • Function: createCustomer
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • data: An object adhering to customerSchema.
    • Description: Inserts a new customer into the customers table.
  2. Get a Customer by Name

    • Function: getCustomerByName
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • name: Customer's name.
    • Description: Retrieves a customer by their name from the customers table.
  3. Update a Customer

    • Function: updateCustomer
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • name: The current name of the customer.
      • data: An object with fields to update, adhering to customerSchema.
    • Description: Updates customer details based on their name.
  4. Delete a Customer

    • Function: deleteCustomer
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • name: Customer's name.
    • Description: Deletes a customer from the customers table.
  1. Create a Menu Item

    • Function: createMenuItem
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • data: An object adhering to menuItemSchema.
    • Description: Inserts a new menu item into the menuItems table.
  2. Get a Menu Item by Name

    • Function: getMenuItemByName
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • name: Name of the menu item.
    • Description: Retrieves a menu item by its name from the menuItems table.
  3. Update a Menu Item by Name

    • Function: updateMenuItemByName
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • name: Current name of the menu item.
      • data: An object with fields to update, adhering to menuItemSchema.
    • Description: Updates menu item details based on its name.
  4. Delete a Menu Item by Name

    • Function: deleteMenuItemByName
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • name: Name of the menu item.
    • Description: Deletes a menu item from the menuItems table.


  1. Create an Order

    • Function: createOrder
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • data: An object adhering to orderSchema.
    • Description: Inserts a new order into the orders table.
  2. Get All Orders

    • Function: getOrders
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
    • Description: Retrieves all orders from the orders table.
  3. Get an Order by ID

    • Function: getOrderById
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • id: ID of the order.
    • Description: Retrieves an order by its ID from the orders table.
  4. Update an Order

    • Function: updateOrder
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • id: ID of the order.
      • data: An object with fields to update, adhering to orderSchema.
    • Description: Updates order details based on its ID.
  5. Delete an Order

    • Function: deleteOrder
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • id: ID of the order.
    • Description: Deletes an order from the orders table.

Order Items

  1. Create an Order Item

    • Function: createOrderItem
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • data: An object adhering to orderItemSchema.
    • Description: Inserts a new order item into the orderItems table.
  2. Get Order Items by Order ID

    • Function: getOrderItemsByOrderId
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • orderId: ID of the order.
    • Description: Retrieves all order items for a specific order.
  3. Update an Order Item

    • Function: updateOrderItem
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • orderId: ID of the order.
      • menuItemId: ID of the menu item.
      • data: An object with fields to update, adhering to orderItemSchema.
    • Description: Updates order item details based on order ID and menu item ID.
  4. Delete Order Items by Order ID

    • Function: deleteOrderItemsbyOrderId
    • Parameters:
      • db: Database instance.
      • orderId: ID of the order.
    • Description: Deletes all order items for a specific order.

Part 3: Advanced functions

Write more complex functions to perform operations such as filtering, aggregating, data transactions, and pivoting:

Question 1: Place an Order

  • Function: placeOrder
  • Description: Places an order for a customer. This function calculates the total amount of the order, creates the order, inserts order items, and links the customer to the order. The operation is performed within a database transaction to ensure consistency.
  • Parameters:
    • db: Database instance.
    • data: An object adhering to placeOrderSchema, which includes:
      • customerId: The ID of the customer placing the order.
      • items: An array of items to be included in the order. Each item includes:
        • menuItemId: The ID of the menu item.
        • quantity: The quantity of the menu item ordered.
  • Returns: An object containing:
    • success: A boolean indicating whether the order was placed successfully.
    • orderId: The ID of the newly created order.

Question 2: Retrieve Orders for a Specific Customer

  • Function: getOrdersForCustomer
  • Description: Retrieves all orders for a specific customer, sorted by the order's creation date in descending order.
  • Parameters:
    • db: Database instance.
    • customerId: The ID of the customer whose orders are to be retrieved.
  • Returns: A list of orders for the specified customer, sorted by order date (newest first).

Question 3: Retrieve Orders for a Specific Day and Calculate Total Sales

  • Function: totalSale
  • Description: Retrieves all orders for a specific day and calculates the total sales for that day.
  • Parameters:
    • db: Database instance.
    • data: An object adhering to getOrdersForDaySchema, which includes:
      • date: The date for which orders are to be retrieved (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
  • Returns: An object containing:
    • ordersList: A list of orders for the specified date.
    • totalSales: The total sales amount for the specified date.